GC Allocator Summary
FoldUnfold Table of Contents C++ Memory Management Innovation: GC Allocator A Word File Writer Rope based on GC Allocator STL Containers based on GC Allocator The Fastest Word File Writer C++ Memory Management Innovation: GC Allocator Link: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/cpp/gc-allocator.aspx Highlights: The tiniest, fastest allocator and easy to use. And it became a boost sandbox library on 2008-04-29. I'm preparing for a peer review. It is easy to use: Like GC languages (eg. Java, C#, etc), it is no need to delete allocated objects by using GC Allocator. It is faster than all allocators you ever seen: For the detail information about the comparison, see Allocators Performance Comparison . Why GC Allocator is so fast? It benefits from: Its good allocation algorithm. No...
Allocators Performance Comparison
FoldUnfold Table of Contents Summary Test Cases Test Result on Linux Condition 1: Each allocator allocates one integer object Condition 2: Each allocator allocates 1000 integer objects Condition 3: Each allocator allocates 1000,000 integer objects Test Result on Windows Condition 1: Each allocator allocates one integer object Condition 2: Each allocator allocates 1000 integer objects Condition 3: Each allocator allocates 1000,000 integer objects Conclusion Summary In this article we'll talk about allocators performance. We take performance comparison of: AutoFreeAlloc ScopeAlloc APR Pools (Apache Portable Runtime) MT Allocator (GNU C++) Boost Pool (boost::pool) Boost ObjectPool (boost::object_pool) NewDelete (new/delete) Because most of allocators focus to improve performance of...
Dive into GC Allocator
A Proposal to Cancel Overriding the DEFAULT operator new/delete
FoldUnfold Table of Contents Motivation Impact on the Standard Proposed Text Motivation I don't think we need to override the DEFAULT operator new/delete. This makes your code doesn't work well together 3rdparty code (if it also overrides them). Why overriding the DEFAULT operator new/delete is bad? Allowing to override the DEFAULT operator new/delete means the DEFAULT operator new/delete are special operators. When we have more than one implementations of an operator, the compiler/linker will report a redefining error. However, it allows there are two implementations of the DEFAULT operator new/delete (one of them is implemented as default). It sounds good. But, This gives a hint that there may have many implementations of the DEFAULT operator new/delete. When this happens, the...
A Proposal of operator new with typeinfo
FoldUnfold Table of Contents Motivation Impact on the Standard Design Decisions operator new with typeinfo operator new[] with typeinfo Issues for Discussion I. Corresponding operator _delete Applications based on operator new with typeinfo I. A Debug Version of operator new II. A Region Allocator Proposed Text Motivation At present we can override operator new as follows: void* operator new(size_t size, ArgT1 arg1, ArgT2 arg2, ...) { return malloc(size); // just an example } Even though it is good enough, still I think something is missing here. For example, if I want to implement a debug version of operator new which reports the memory leak and the kind of objects leaked, I cannot get the class name of an allocated object. An operator new with typeinfo can solve this...
The Fastest Word File Writer
FoldUnfold Table of Contents Highlights Why it is fast? Full-featured Taking a fast look A better COM About the download resources Performance Highlights It's a fast, full-featured word file format writer. And It also can write RTF files (but I remove this function in the published version provided here). And this version is only for technology show. You can't use it in commercial way. Why it is fast? First, we use GC Allocator to accelerate memory allocation. Second, we create a DOM tree which its internal data structures is similar to word file format. It provides powerful APIs and reduces IO times. Full-featured Yes. it can write all word2003 functions such as rich text, font/stylesheet, bullet/list, header/footer, footnote/endnote, fields, bookmark, annotation, frame, table,...
Rope based on GC Allocator
FoldUnfold Table of Contents Introduction Source code Performance Comparison Introduction Rope is a complex string implementation with scaled performance. The original rope implementation is appeared SGI STL. I rewrite the rope class based on GC Allocator. Code size is much reduced and performance is better. Source code Source code of the original rope implemention: stl_rope.h ropeimpl.h Rope based on GC Allocator: RopeRep.h Rope.h RopeImpl.h RopeIter.h CharProxy.h SequenceBuffer.h I divided rope source code into six parts: RopeRep.h implements the underlying representation of rope data structure. RopeIter.h implements rope's iterators. CharProxy.h implements element reference proxy of rope containers. Rope.h/RopeImpl.h implements the rope class. SequenceBuffer.h implement...
Allocators Performance on STL Collections
FoldUnfold Table of Contents Summary Performance Comparison Conclusion Summary In this article we'll talk about allocators performance on STL collections. We take performance comparison of: std::deque, Deque based on ScopeAlloc std::list, List based on ScopeAlloc std::set, Set based on ScopeAlloc stdext::hash_set (GNU C++), HashSet based on ScopeAlloc std::map, Map based on ScopeAlloc stdext::hash_map (GNU C++), HashMap based on ScopeAlloc Performance Comparison Test Environment: CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 3.40GHz (2 CPUs) Memory: 2G OS: Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4, Linux version 2.6.20-15-generic Compiler: g++ (GCC) 4.1.3 20070929 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.1.2-16ubuntu2) Test cases: When testing performance of a value container (eg. deque, list, set, hash_set, etc), we insert...
这些广告的受益者并非本人,而是 Wikidot。我个人从不掩饰对 Wikidot 的喜爱,它给了我想要的东西,我们为它赚点广告费,我觉得这是很正常事情。Wikidot 也是很有原则的一家公司,她对客户的尊重是我喜爱她的另一个重要原因,要想进入本站而不出现广告很简单,注册个 Wikidot 账号,在浏览本站的时候保持登录状态就好了,你会看到一个很干净的界面。
如果你不考虑具体的使用场景,建议选择 golang。erlang 的适用范围相对狭窄。
两者目前都重服务端,所以客户端开发来说,都不是特别适合,如果非要用,建议用 golang。
服务端开发,如果团队比较小,喜欢函数式编程,而且网络模块偏重 io,逻辑不复杂,用 erlang 可以获得比 go 更好的性能,目前 go 语言在性能上还没做过非常大力度的优化。其他情况我建议用 golang。
看到您编写的winx, 我有一个问题请教, 为什么MFC的消息映射要提供_AFXDLL和非_AFXDLL两个implementation, 比如
#ifdef _AFXDLL
#define DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() private: static const AFX_MSGMAP_ENTRY _messageEntries[]; protected: static AFX_DATA const AFX_MSGMAP messageMap; static const AFX_MSGMAP* PASCAL _GetBaseMessageMap(); virtual const AFX_MSGMAP* GetMessageMap() const;
#define DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() private: static const AFX_MSGMAP_ENTRY _messageEntries[]; protected: static AFX_DATA const AFX_MSGMAP messageMap; virtual const AFX_MSGMAP* GetMessageMap() const; #endif
为什么直接用非_AFXDLL的版本的不行? 非要用一个函数_GetBaseMessageMap()去取基类的messageMap?
golang http.ResponseWriter 的Write()方法,服务的QPS由3万降到7000。附上我的测试代码和boom测试结果:
现在我测试到的情况是这样的,如果我只填写http的header,那么服务端的处理速度很高,单纯测试(没有业务逻辑),QPS能达到3万,但是如果我添加payload,那么QPS就只能达到不足8000了,只有6000的样子。这个落差太大了,我尝试直接使用http.ResponseWriter 接口中的Write方法写入一个[50]Byte,效果一样。根据我的测试和你们的分析,应该是IO的问题,不过这个也太夸张了。
func handleHeader(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.Header().Set("Content-Length", "0") }
func handlePayload50(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.Header().Set("Content-Length", "50") w.Write(make([]byte, 50)) }
func handlePayload128(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.Header().Set("Content-Length", "128") w.Write(make([]byte, 128)) }
func handlePayload1024(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.Header().Set("Content-Length", "1024") w.Write(make([]byte, 1024)) }
func main() { runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU()) http.HandleFunc("/header", handleHeader) http.HandleFunc("/payload50", handlePayload50) http.HandleFunc("/payload128", handlePayload128) http.HandleFunc("/payload1024", handlePayload1024) host := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", "", 5001) http.ListenAndServe(host, nil) }
and the boom test result: ./boom -c 1000 -n 500000 -cpus 12 XXXXXX/header 500000 / 500000 Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! 100.00 %
Summary: Total: 12.8799 secs. Slowest: 3.2799 secs. Fastest: 0.0018 secs. Average: 0.0239 secs. Requests/sec: 38810.4907
Status code distribution: [200] 499875 responses
Response time histogram: 0.002 [1] | 0.330 [499306] |∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎ 0.657 [0] | 0.985 [0] | 1.313 [312] | 1.641 [0] | 1.969 [0] | 2.297 [0] | 2.624 [0] | 2.952 [0] | 3.280 [256] |
Latency distribution: 10% in 0.0125 secs. 25% in 0.0172 secs. 50% in 0.0216 secs. 75% in 0.0257 secs. 90% in 0.0295 secs. 95% in 0.0327 secs. 99% in 0.0549 secs.
./boom -c 500 -n 500000 -cpus 12 XXXXXX/payload128 500000 / 500000 Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! 100.00 %
Summary: Total: 62.5205 secs. Slowest: 3.0714 secs. Fastest: 0.0112 secs. Average: 0.0601 secs. Requests/sec: 7997.1501 Total Data Received: 63998208 bytes. Response Size per Request: 128 bytes.
Status code distribution: [200] 499986 responses
Response time histogram: 0.011 [1] | 0.317 [495652] |∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎∎ 0.623 [0] | 0.929 [0] | 1.235 [4092] | 1.541 [0] | 1.847 [0] | 2.153 [0] | 2.459 [0] | 2.765 [0] | 3.071 [241] |
Latency distribution: 10% in 0.0405 secs. 25% in 0.0436 secs. 50% in 0.0481 secs. 75% in 0.0546 secs. 90% in 0.0629 secs. 95% in 0.0731 secs. 99% in 0.1054 secs.
比如java里面,有myObject = class.forName("my.com.myObject");
假设有一个mysql库字串是 "github/mysql",我如何像java一样动态得到这个mysql的接口或结构?比如假设可以 sqltest=newObject("github/mysql")?
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